Edward Sellman, BA (Ed), Dip, PhD, MBACP
Transpersonal Therapies



I act as a supervisor for research students working toward PhD degrees (principally on integral and transpersonal psychology, mindfulness and well-being in education) at the Centre for Research in Human Flourishing, University of Nottingham. He is a course tutor on the MA Trauma Informed Practice, leading the module: 'Practice Perspectives on Dealing with Trauma'. This module includes experiential opportunities with TRE®, Grof Breathwork and Mindfulness. I also convene a module called 'Responding Mindfully to Challenging Behaviour', which is available on several Masters programs. This unique module integrates mindfulness practice and conflict resolution skills with theoretical material challenging the dominance of behaviourist thinking on contemporary classroom/relationship management. The module includes multiple experiential and contemplative activities. Reflections on teaching this module feature prominently in two texts; i) a chapter called 'The nature of Self and its challenges to educational orthodoxy and 'discipline'' and ii) 'Attending In and Out: Synergising mindful and restorative practice' (both linked below). I am currently working on two edited books; 'Being a Mindful Teacher' and 'Concerning Mental Health in Education', which will be published by Routledge. 

Most of my articles and book chapters are available open-access or via his ResearchGate profile (click on the links below). 

Writing ~ Selected Publications
For a full list of Edward's publications, please visit his academic profile at the University of Nottingham 

'Doing Well' and Being Well' - Secondary School Teachers' Perspectives (Open Access)
Co-authored with R. Wilson & S. Joseph (2023), British Educational Research Journal, 49(5), 987-1004 .
Co-authored with R. Brito & S. Joseph (2022), Studies in Philosophy and Education, 41, 91-109.

Co-authored with A. Crawford & S. Joseph (2021), International Journal of Qualitative Methods.

Co-authored with R. Brito & S. Joseph (2021), Journal of Transformative Education, 19 (3), 261-283.
Being yourself for the ‘greater good’: An empirical investigation of the moderation effect of authenticity between self-compassion and compassion for others (full-text available on request)
Co-authored with A. Bayir-Toper & S. Joseph (2020), Current Psychology, ahead of print.
Adding Lemon Juice to Poison - Raising Critical Questions About the Oxymoronic Nature of Mindfulness in Education and its Future Direction (ResearchGate)
Co-authored with G. F. Buttarazzi (2020), British Journal of Educational Studies, 68 (1), 1-78.

Waiting Room: Exploring the Impact of Medical and Educational Discourse on Identity through Painting (full-text available on request)
(2012) Journal of Visual Arts Practice, 10(3), 275-289
For a full list of Edward's publications, please visit his academic page at the University of Nottingham
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