Edward Sellman, BA (Ed), Dip, PhD, MBACP
Transpersonal Therapies


Learn to teach the 5-step meditation

An intensive/bespoke course that will teach you how to guide children & young people through a five-step meditation as a component of a holistic course in contemplative education and critical mindfulness.  

Suitable for those who have already studied an intensive mindfulness course (e.g. 8-week MBCT), are committed to a regular practice and are qualified to work in the context they wish to apply the course (also suitable for parents). 

See groups/events to book a place on the next course or contact Edward if you or your school/college would like to receive training. 

Mindfulness in education

The five-step meditation introduces a new practice to young people every week, which can be assembled into a longer practice in week 6. Each practice is supported with lesson content, games to consolidate the learning and integration activities. See course features for more information.

Mindfulness as education

The most important way you can teach young people mindfulness is how you embody it yourself in everyday interactions. An essential component of this course will cover mindful classroom management, which is occasionally offered as a standalone course. 

Mindfulness of education

The relationship between mindfulness, educational and political agendas, as well as issues concerning mental health and young people, are all addressed. 

Course Features

What makes this course unique and what is included...?

What does the five-step meditation cover.

The five-step meditation works like an extended breathing space, where young people learn to attend in, rest in stillness and attend out. It synthesises classical and modern approaches. 

It is influenced by Edward's own research and the writing of Oren Ergas, Ken Wilber, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Rupert Spira and many others. 

Which practices are learned?

  • Mindful movement
  • Mindfulness of sounds/thoughts
  • take5/take10 breath awareness techniques
  • Gratitude
  • Self-compassion/loving kindness
  • Intention setting and integration

What makes this course unique?

  • The course offers a progression of practices that dovetail with school structures culminating in an extended practice.
  • Each practice is supported by exemplar games for experiential learning and integration activities.
  • The course encourages young people to keep a mindful journal to assist integration (template provided).

What does the course include?

Every course participant receives:
  • 16 hours training
  • Restricted licence to teach the 5-step meditation
  • Course booklet, presentation slides, audio files and lesson plans/materials
  • Mindful journal template
  • Completion certificate
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