Art, Creativity & Integration
Integration refers to the phase after a course or peak experience when we try and apply the insights and lessons to our daily lives. Quite often this period can be very positive, especially if the experience was pleasant or illuminating. It can be a time when new practices are established and rewards are reaped. However, it is important to safeguard our process from 'spiritual bypassing', characterised by a tendency to move towards pleasant experience and away from more challenging aspects. When these elements a re ignored they are often expressed insidiously and/or held in the body. If you find yourself being easily triggered by life's events then this is a sign that integration work is still required, respecting that the whole of life is a learning journey no matter how 'developed' somebody is. It may be that you have little choice anyway, the course or peak experience may have brought to your awareness unintegrated emotions, arising from childhood, biographical and/or collective trauma. Confronting these experiences is not easy but extremely worthwhile.
Generally, it is particularly important to exercise self-compassion during this stage and allow yourself plenty of time. It helps to be realistic and focus on one thing at a time rather than setting yourself numerous goals to accomplish. There is no doubt this is where the 'work' lies though - a course, workshop or peak experience may give you the opportunity to reflect on yourself and often with the support of a group but ultimately successful integration requires an ongoing commitment to personal growth and authenticity.
Establishing or consolidating a practice (e.g. SoulCollage®, yoga, meditation, time spent in nature, creativity) can all help considerably with the process. This page highlights a few other creative approaches to consider, all of which feature in many of the courses and workshops offered. None necessarily require specific artistic skills. I am a keen artist myself and enjoy creative approaches as part of my regular practice; you can see some of my artwork